Award Winning, Artificially Intellient E-waste Business Management Software from Pfane.
Pfanes AI software accurately prices circuit materials using images it is shown through it's user interface.
Simply upload photos of piles, bales, truckloads, or single peices of Circuitry
Metal values driven by realtime commodity market feed.
Prices materials based on the metals obtained by the refiner, eliminating lost values.
Set your profit index to offer price splitting based on set processing costs and laboutr deductions.
Simple English terminology lets you and your agents know what to do and weather you should trust the results
3 years of real world testing and Machine Learning training with millions of computer hours logged.
Visually see what percentages of metals are within each raw material scanned.
Export Universal collection and processing reporting that tracks producer responsibility from the moment you receive the item through it's full processing lifecycle no matter howoften it switches bins or how many times it's broken down.